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Sixth Year Tenure & Promotion

Dates* Action Needed
Sept 30 Deans will conduct an annual election of College Tenure and Promotion Advisory Committee prior to September 30.
Sept 15 Candidates for tenure and promotion should submit their portfolios to their respective department heads on or before this date.
Sept 20 Department heads must submit list of candidates for tenure and/or promotion to their respective deans by this date.
Sept 28 Deans must submit a list of candidates by department for tenure and/or promotion to the Provost Office based upon the lists provided by the Department Heads. 
Oct 5 Provost Office will prepare ballots for tenure candidates and forward to the colleges for distribution to the departments. 
Oct 15

Department heads must submit tenured advisory forms (ballots), vita, faculty service reports, and departmental recommendations to respective deans by this date. 

Nov 15 Deans must submit the recommendations of the College Tenure & Promotion Committee along with his/her recommendations to the Provost by this date.
Dec 3 Deans Council begins review and votes on Tenure and Promotion.
Jan 10 Provost submits his/her tenure and promotion recommendations to the President by this date.
Feb 20

Agenda Item for tenure due to TAMUS for April/May Board of Regents meeting. (Promotions are submitted to the Chancellor.)

*If the due date falls on a weekend or a holiday, the due date will be the following business day.